Price Promise Guarantee We are confident we can offer unbeatable value

UK Hand Made Sofas Hand crafting fine English living room furniture


Editorial Request

We welcome interior designers or magazines / publications of furniture or furniture related business to request permission to use our images in suitable publications.  If you are interested in using one of our images then please contact Kim Walker prior to use listing the title of the publication or website address where the image will be used.  We'd appreciate if you did link the image back to the product page or to our home page as we do not charge for using our product images.

Once your details have been approved and your article published, we will add a link or reference your publication for others to view and share;

Radio and TV

Website and Blog

We have also identified a small number of businesses that may assist our customers with furniture products that sadly The Chesterfield Company does not make, and services that may assist when looking to purchase furniture or move home.

The Chesterfield Company specialises in making stunning leather Chesterfield Sofas for your home, but some of our sofas end up in commercial venues such as restaurants, hotels and pubs.  If you run or manage a commercial venue and are currently looking for commercial furniture, our partner Forest Contract Ltd offer a great range of over 2000 contract quality products, from chairs, tables, restaurant dining furniture as well as fixed or banquette seating.  Forest Contract and The Chesterfield Company share our manufacturing facility here in Manchester, and our showroom includes both the Chesterfields you see on our website but also over 40 Contract items including tubs, tables and chairs. Visit the website or click on the links below to go to the section your most interested in;

Hotel Furniture     Restaurant furniture,    Contract Furniture

Leather Chesterfields we do - Fabric Sofas we don't !  Similar with our contract partner The Chesterfield Company is also pleased to recommend The English Sofa Company for any fabric sofas or corner sofas you may be looking for.  Made to the same high quality as our own furniture, and with items on display here in Manchester The English Sofa Company can offer those looking for something other than a Chesterfield a great range of quality UK hand made furniture.  Visit or go directly to the furniture ranges you are interested in with the link below:

Corner Sofas    Fabric Sofas      Corner Sofa Bed


Ever thought about a deep buttoned bed or headboard ?  Another fantastic partner business The English Bed Company can offer you a wide range of UK made beds and headboards and offer a range of upholstery from quality UK fabric mills.  Mattress and bedroom chairs and furniture are also available and are combined beautifully in both the showroom and the new brochure The English Bed Company has just produced.  Located in Lancashire and sharing a small corner of our showroom The English Bed Company is also set to open a showroom in London for those who can't make it to Manchester.  The website is full of great design ideas and you can find products directly using the links below:

Beds     Headboards     Mattresses

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  • Monday till Thursday - 8:30am - 5pm
  • Friday - 8:30am - 1:30pm
  • Saturday - 10am - 4pm 
  • Sunday - 11am - 4pm