Tag Archives: ideas

How to: style Art Deco décor

Geometric shapes, metallic surfaces, glass or mirrored finishes and intricate details – these are the generic traits of the Art Deco interior design movement that is often replicated today. The design era started in the 30’s and now has strong influences from each decade – especially the 50’s and 70’s. The whole purpose of this […]

5 Brilliant Storage Ideas

Regardless of how you feel about storage, it’s something every home needs, and you face the decision of whether you want your storage to be visible, and part of your interior design scheme, or hidden away in ingenious places around your home. Here are five of our favourite storage ideas, which together offer a selection […]

Interior Trends for 2013

This year the focus on Interior Trends has been colour and textures. With our handmade Chesterfield Sofas we offer various styles from Wing Chairs, Stools to Leather Sofas and Sofa Beds. Customers at The Chesterfield Company are encouraged to order a free brochure and select up to 6 leather swatches. There are four types of […]